We Take a Look at Two Online Gambling Companies in Canada That Are Well Worth Keeping an Eye On

There are some people who see investing in stocks and shares using an online trading site, as the ultimate form of online gambling. So we are going to take a look at two online gambling companies in Canada that could well be worth investing in.

The first of these two Canadian online gambling companies that we are going to take a look at is Great Canadian Gaming. Now this is not primarily an online gambling related company, it operates many real world casinos throughout Canada. However, it does have a limited online casino presence so just fits the criteria as an online gambling stock. Great Canadian Gaming owns 17 real world casinos in Canada, and has an expanding online casino. It has historically performed very well. But the problem is, it is limited by the local gambling licenses it can acquire. Overall though, a good company, one of the best gambling related ones in Canada, and well worth an investment, especially if its online casino continues to grow.

The second of the two online gambling companies in Canada that we are going to take a look at, from the perspective of investment, is Amaya Gaming Group. Now Amaya Gaming had a rocky year last year, as it seems to have overspent by acquiring several smaller companies. However, it has signed some great deal lately with US based online casino sites, and is cutting itself off a huge chunk of the US online gambling market, potentially the largest legal online gambling market in the world if America continues towards fully legal online gambling, as it seems to be.

Amaya Gaming could well be the hot potato this year when it comes to Canadian online gambling companies. It took a big risk, spent hundreds of millions of dollars acquiring several smaller companies, to help position it to compete with the big boys in the online casino development market, and quite frankly, it looks like, despite pundits preaching doom last year, that Amaya Gaming is going to have its best year yet in 2014. It may well be worth an investment. Indeed, we think that an investment in Amaya Gaming right now, could bring a massive return if the company continues to forge ahead signing fresh deals with US based online casino operators as they receive their new US online gambling licenses.

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