We Try and Answer the Question of Just Why Skrill Pulled Out Of Canada

At the end of January, Skrill, the most used third party payment gateway in Canada that was used by many Canadian online gamblers to deposit in to, and withdraw from their online casino account, decided to pull out of the online gambling market in Canada. This left many Canadian online gamblers without their favorite payment gateway. We ask the question why did Skrill pull out of online gambling in Canada. And try and come up with an answer.

So what is our theory on why Skrill left so many Canadian online gamblers high and dry when it withdrew its services in Canada? Well, to answer this question, we need to take a look at something that happened in the USA around a year ago, when several states began opening up an online gambling license application process.

One of the clauses, that has come to be termed the grandfather clause, was that any only gambling company, or any other business that served the online casino industry such as payment gateways, would not be accepted for an online gambling license if they had operated contra to online casino law in the USA previously.

Put simply, any company that had offered online casino play to American’s, or any company that had helped illegal online casino sites operate, would be unable to qualify for a new legal online gambling license. There was a time limit ont his though, it didn’t go back more than a few years.

Now, lets consider for a moment that eventually the Canadian government is bound to follow a similar model to that instigated in the USA. So what happens to Skrill if it continues to offer its services to online gambling sites that are breaking Canadian law, and then in the future, it wants to apply for an online gambling services license in Canada? You guessed it, it would fall foul of a similar grandfather clause, if one was included on the Canadian version of the license application process.

Therefore, we believe that Skrill pulled out of the online gambling market in Canada, so that in the future, it will still be able to apply for and online gambling license locally. A clever move if this is indeed the case. And of course, Canadian online gamblers would love to have their favorite payment gateway back we are sure. So let’s hope that this truly is the case.

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